Advisory board meetings are judgment-free spaces, where interesting and insightful threads lead to rich scientific discussions. In order to achieve this goal, it’s important that all board members feel at ease to speak openly. On the other hand, the ability to ask powerful and incisive questions at the right time is essential to capture the minds and hearts of the stakeholders. Therefore, assertive moderation is key. But a successful advisory board meeting also depends on an appealing pre-work, as well as an effective agenda. And, without a concise yet comprehensive report, results often end up being lost, like tears in the rain.

Engaging your experts-in-training to understand the full extent of your key messages, and to have them effectively communicate both the data and the rationale that support those claims aren’t simple tasks. Workshops, symposia, seminars and many different activities have been used in the past, just to make them get the hang of it. Although some positive results may have been achieved, it should be realized that inspiration is far more successful in creating change. In other words, your experts-in-training need to be inspired, and they need to inspire others to successfully promote your product. So, this begs the question: Is your speaker training truly inspiring?

No matter whether it’s a flyer, a visual-aid or a brochure. No matter if it’s print or electronic. No matter whether the target audience is comprised of healthcare professionals, family and caregivers, or patients. The medical content must tell a captivating story and focus on the readers’ experience. It must be useful, enthralling, and relevant. That’s because people will only relate to brands that share their values and offer true appreciation in return. Besides, no one ever said that medical content should be tedious and unintelligible.


The launch meeting is probably one of the most important stages in a pharmaceutical product’s life cycle. Nothing should ever go wrong during such a crucial event. But, unfortunately, that’s not always the case. Problems generally start with an ineffective meeting framework. Next, comes an agenda that fails to entice and engage the audience. Finally, we run into dull slides, confusing presentations and inconsistent messages. Avoiding these issues is critical to start off on the right foot and provide your prescribers with a memorable customer experience.


Busy slides. Overwhelming pictures. Terrible design. Misspellings. Excessive animation. Missing references. The list could go on forever. But, the worst part is overlooking the power of storytelling. People often fail to realize that stories are the most compelling way of organizing information; they are the best form of communication to convey ideas and call people to action. So, the bottom line is: If you don’t have a well-thought and beautifully designed slide deck that tells a remarkable story, you should probably start looking for some help.


Not to be mistaken for the package insert, the product monograph is a guidance document for the safe, effective and optimal use of the drug. Product monographs often have specific definitions and are subjected to different laws and regulations, according to each country’s health regulatory agency. An in-depth knowledge of these intricate details is the first step to develop this important document. Familiarity with clinical trial data, scientific accuracy, appropriate language and right format are also key for successfully editing a product monograph.


Building an effective and knowledgeable sales force is crucial for promoting any pharmaceutical product. And a team with solid medical education surely contributes to both competitive advantage and business growth. In this context, continuous training, innovative teaching methods and engaging learning activities are a must. The sales force must be taught the art of conveying messages that resonate with prescribing customers. This often requires a business-oriented scientific partner to organize and execute the necessary activities to achieve the desired results.


By assisting the development of LOIs, clinical study protocols, CRFs, informed consent forms and manuscripts, medical writing support plays an essential role in modern clinical research. Besides mastering the requirements and specifics of each document, the job of a good medical writer is to lay out the information in an organized, accurate, clear and concise way, while committing to maintaining full transparency with patients, investigators and the medical community.


New drug application; request of approval for new indications; addition to reimbursement lists; and addition to Clinical Protocols and Therapeutic Guidelines. These are just a few of the documents within the scope of regulatory writing services. The key here is to help companies present the required body of evidence in a logical, accessible and compelling way, while maintaining thoroughness and accuracy.

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