Dr. Flavio Prisco graduated with a medical degree and obtained a postgraduate diploma in Radiation Oncology, both from the University of Sao Paulo (Sao Paulo, Brazil), which has consistently been considered the best medical school in Latin America.

After becoming a board-certified Radiation Oncologist, Dr. Prisco pursued additional educational opportunities at some of the leading cancer centers in North America, including the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (New York, USA), St. Jude Children's Research Hospital (Memphis, USA), and McGill University (Montreal, Canada).

During his tenure as an attending physician at the Albert Einstein Hospital Radiation Oncology Department in Sao Paulo, Brazil, Dr. Prisco was involved in the team that pioneered the implementation of the first Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) site in Latin America.

Despite his young age of 27 when he joined the Radiation Oncology Department, Dr. Prisco soon became one of the most sought-after doctors, both by referring physicians and patients themselves, due to his high level of commitment to providing the best possible quality of care.

In addition to his primary role in patient management, Dr. Prisco co-authored papers in high-impact peer-reviewed medical journals, lectured at national and international meetings, led professional workshops, and wrote several book chapters.

As AstraZeneca's Commercial and Medical Affairs Manager, Dr. Flavio Prisco helped address objections related to all of the company's oncology drugs. He also initiated actions that ultimately led to the full, nationwide coverage of Zoladex® and Falodex® for the treatment of prostate and breast cancer, respectively.

As AstraZeneca's Product Manager, Dr. Prisco was responsible for promoting Zoladex® and Casodex® for the treatment of prostate cancer, at a time when both drugs were generating the second largest gross revenue for the company.

Under Dr. Prisco's guidance, the company successfully implemented segmented communications based on physicians' tiers for the first time in the country.


Flavio Prisco attended the Archdiocesan Marist Elementary School in Sao Paulo, Brazil, where he received numerous accolades for his academic performance. He later completed his education at the Bandeirantes High School, which was renowned for its excellence and selectivity in the country at that time. He consistently ranked among the top-performing students.

Flavio Prisco was accepted to the University of Sao Paulo Law School, where he attended courses in State Theory, Economics, Sociology, and General Theory of Law. These courses greatly contributed to his breadth of knowledge and persuasive reasoning style.

A year and a half later, Flavio Prisco decided to switch gears and take the equivalent of the Medical College Admission Test. With no preparatory course whatsoever, Flavio Prisco was accepted to the University of Sao Paulo Medical School – the most challenging one in the country to gain admission to, ranking 8th out of approximately 16,000 applicants.


Dr. Prisco is a native Portuguese speaker. He also speaks fluent English, Spanish, and French.


As an amateur triathlete, Flavio Prisco has competed in several sprint- and Olympic-distance triathlons. He also completed long-distance road bike relay races, as well as numerous endurance running races. Whenever weather permits and he has the time, Flavio Prisco goes for an open water swimming session.

As an avid mountaineer, Flavio Prisco has successfully completed various multi-pitch ice climb routes, mixed terrain alpine climbs, and high-altitude summit climbs.

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